
access note: I do my best to ensure all art on this page has an image description in the alt text. learn more about image descriptions for art here.

justice related art

stickers & prints


The cover of a zine. Inside a purple peace sign (which is also the Craigslist logo), there is the text “stuff I found for free on the”, and, directly beneath it in a serif font “madison, wi craigslist”.The cover also says “a zine by bumblechub”.

Created in March 2023 - a collection zine of different screenshots I've taken over the years of things in the free section of the Madison, WI Craigslist.

The cover of a zine. In horizontal stripes are pink, red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and purple. Rotated title text reads "PRIDE BUGS" by bumblechub.

Created in July 2024 - a zine of collaged unedited insect photos taken from iNaturalist ordered in the colors of the original Gilbert Baker pride flag.

The cover of a zine titled "growth". There is a vintage illustration of a blue flower mirrored against itself.

Created in January 2024 - a reflective minizine made with vintage flower illustrations. The first zine I ever designed for a zine jam.

dog portraits

cat portraits

special pet portraits

pixel art

barn quilt blocks

faux 3D portraits

A teal disabled mermaid with a yellow bob and purple tail holds her arm stumps high in a celebratory fashion.

art about embodiment

portrait with emoji

simple narrative gif

simple wiggle gif

logo prototypes

drawing of elderflower and cornflowers on a yellow background

phone wallpapers

colorblock prints

Russian suprematist movement inspired pieces

A drawing of four thrips facing each other with hearts around them. The drawing looks as if it was created on black to rainbow scratch paper.

insect art

"draw this in your style" challenges

tiled patterns

simple sketches

digital collage